National Medical University n.a. O.O.Bogomolets


His Emperor Highness Mykola I signed the Highest Rescript about opening the medical faculty at St. Volodymyr University (29.04 in the old style) in 1840
In 1841 Council of St. Volodymyr University approved the decision about opening the 1st medical faculty in September 1841. First admission – 29 students. On 23 (9), September, professor M.I. Kozlov read the first lecture on anatomy, and on 26 (12), September, professor V.O. Karavayev – first lecture on encyclopedia and methodology of medicine.

Kiev is the capital and largest city of Ukraine It is situated high on a hill overlooking the Dnieper River which divides the city into two parts: the left and right bank. The right bank is steep and high hills, and left completely flat areas with deciduous trees. Kiev is a cultural, political, socio-economic, transport, scientific and religious center of the country. Located in the north central part of Ukraine. Kiev – the seventh most populous city in Europe, after Istanbul, Moscow, London, St. Petersburg, Berlin and Madrid.

10 thousand undergraduate and postgraduate students including mastership, PhD and residency course students, including 908 international students from 53 countries. Every year over 80 lecturers and 20 students visit foreign universities abroad. Over the last two years 42 NMU students participated in exchange programs in European region. 37 foreign students participated in clinical exchange programs in NMU. Over 1156 students from 53 countries are currently trained at the University

2001, 2004, 2005 – the winner of KIYV SOFIA prize for the best university rate among ukrainian medical schools. The golden medal of the 9-th international exhibition of educational establishments “contemporary education in Ukraine – 2006” in nomination “Implementation of Innovations” and Diploma for great achievements in innovation development of national educational system. 2 awards of International Exhibition “Education and career”. 6 Diploma of the III National Specialised Exhibition “Health care industry-2006”. Diploma of a laureate and inclusion in 10 leading establishments among higher educational establishments of Ukraine at the III-d exhibition – presentation “Innovation technologies of education”

The University Hostels are available for accommodation and the prices vary with regards to the room type (single, double, triple rooms).