Ukrainian National University of Pharmacy Kharkov

• Pharmacy (English/Russian Medium)
• Clinical Pharmacy (English/Russian Medium)
• Perfumery and Cosmetic Technology (English/Russian Medium)
• Industrial Pharmacy (English/Russian Medium)
• Management in Production Sphere (English/Russian Medium)
• Economy of Enterprises (English/Russian Medium)
• Marketing (English/Russian Medium)
• Post Graduate Faculty
• Preparatory Department

The history of the pharmaceutical education in Ukraine starts since 1805 when the department of pharmacy and medical literature began to train pharmacists.
1812 – on the basis of the pharmaceutical department of the medical faculty of the Kharkiv University the first pharmaceutical laboratory was organised.
1921 – Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute was opened.
1992 – Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy.
1999 – Ukrainian National Academy of Pharmacy.
2002 – National University of Pharmacy

Kharkiv is situated in the north-eastern part of Ukraine. It is the second largest city in Ukraine. Kharkiv is a major cultural, scientific, educational, transport and industrial centre.
The city is also known as a centre of historical and geographical region of the country, called Sloboda Ukraine. The Soviet Ukraine’s first capital resided in Kharkiv. Our city celebrated its 350 anniversary in 2004.
The city occupies a total area of 306 sq. km. Its population is 1456 thousand people. Nowadays there are 2700 streets, squares, alleys in Kharkiv.
The longest street of the city is Sumskaya, Moscow Avenue (about 20 km) and the largest square is Freedom Square, it is one of the largest squares not only in Europe but also in the world. There are 60 scientific and research institutes, 8 museums, galleries, 7 theatres, 80 libraries in Kharkiv.

NUPh has prepared: more than 20,000 pharmacists, more than 300 engineers-technologists of the industrial pharmacy & approximately 4,000 specialists for 84 countries of world.
UNAPh prepares specialists for:
Pharmacies, Pharmaceutical firms and Plants;
Clinics, Hospitals and other Medical Establishments;
The University has reached the great successes in highly skilled specialists training for Ukrainian and abroad field of pharmacy.

625, among them – 67 Doctors of Sciences, Professors and more than 350 candidates of sciences, assistant professors.
The study process in the University is provided by 650 lecturers, including 10 academicians, 11 Honored Workers of science and Technique of Ukraine.

National University of Pharmacy has a great experience in skilled specialists training for Europe, Asia and Africa.International centre of pharmaceutical education, NUPh trains foreign students since 1962.
Today the National University of Pharmacy is a centre of international pharmaceutical education which has taught over 5000 Masters in Pharmacy for 88 countries of the world.
The amount of foreign students is above 1600.
Every year we congratulate more than 500 students from different countries with the entry to the international students’ family of the Faculty for Foreign Citizens’ education.

In the National Pharmaceutical University, the structure of which includes college has five hostels located in different areas of the city, connected by a single urban transport structure (metro, tram, trolley). Amount of places to stay in hostels NUPh 2066 h / m. System of hostels arranged well from European standards to modern and comfortable hostels.