Odessa National Medical University
• General Medicine Faculty (English/Russian Medium)
• Pharmacy (English/Russian Medium)
• Dentistry (English/Russian Medium)
• Post Graduate Faculty
• Preparatory Department
Odessa has always shown more color, spunk, and irreverence than other cities in the former Soviet Union. There’s an excitement, an anything-is-possible feeling in the streets. The city has a reputation for its irreverent humor that is flaunted on each April 1st with Odessa’s most famous holiday, “Humor Day”. With its balmy climate, seaside vistas and sandy beaches, and year round lively street life, Odessa has an ambience of more Mediterranean than Slavic. It is not only a bustling industrial hub but also an alluring holiday destination with dozens of large sanatoriums, miles of sandy beaches, and arguably the most beautiful women in the world. Odessa is simply enchanting with its marvelous architecture. It’s history as a thriving enterprise has left the city with some splendid architecture from the 18th and 19th centuries and a multifaceted, irrepressible spirit.
Among our leading scientists there are honorable doctors of 42 international organizations and universities, awarded with the prize of “Doctor Honoris Causa” of our university. They all deliver lectures to the students and teachers. The most famous name are as follows: Nobel Prize Winners – Prof. Rolph Zinkernagel (Switzerland) & Prof. Yevgeniy Chazov (Russia); Prof. Juliano Di Bernardo (Italy), Spiros Marketos (Greece) and Georgiy Kryzhanovskiy (Russia); President of Polish Academy of Medicine Prof. Casimir Imiyelinski; Rectors of several universities – Prof. Stefan Doel Trachtenberg (George Washington University, USA) & Ton That Bach (Hanoi National Medical University, Vietnam), and others.
The University takes an active part in the joint programs and projects with Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Germany, Austria, South African Republic. That makes it possible for the University to improve and introduce new educational and medical technologies into the training and therapeutic processes; obtain grants for training teachers in the best scientific and educational centers; deliver high technologies and medical equipment; publish joint release of scientific and scholarly literature, etc. Among the grants, carried out by the scientists of the University there are: Practical-scientific grant (AIHA, USA), Training grant (UNICEF, the children’s fund of UN), Training grant (JHPIEGO, USA) and many others.
The quality of education is judged by the teaching staff and then by the technical facilities vailable for training, Odessa National Medical University fulfills both criteria. Our university not only in Ukraine but is also known abroad for its tradition of training and for its highly qualified staff. Odessa National Medical University is the best place for those who are willing to become a doctor with excellence and complete knowledge of their profession.
Since 1996, Odessa National Medical University is in continuous co-operation with European and International Association of universities, as an active member. In 2001, it was admitted as a member of International Scientific Committee of UNESCO.
Odessa National Medical University extensively involves latest scientific techniques and practices of the best universities in teaching process. This great contribution is result of the constant cooperation with leading universities and academic centers worldwide: Washington University (USA), Polish Academy of Medicine (Poland), Milan University (Italy), Institute of Experimental Immunology (Switzerland), the International Fund of Hippocrates (Greece), A. Schweitzer International Medical Academy (Poland), Russian Heart Scientific-productive Complex (Russia), etc.
Odessa National Medical University is continuously participating programs of Vidrodzhennya” fund; activities of International Club “Rotary”; programs of American Agency of International Development (USAID); Ukrainian – Netherlands scientific grant “Improvement of the system of teaching family medicine in higher medical educational institutionsin the ” (MATRA) and collaborates with the International Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (ASCONA).