Vinnytsya National Medical University
• General Medicine Faculty (English/Russian Medium)
• Dentistry Faculty (English/Russian Medium)
• Nursing Faculty (English/Russian Medium)
• Pediatrics Faculty (English/Russian Medium)
• Pharmacy Faculty (English/Russian Medium)
• Post Graduate Faculty
• Preparatory Department
National Pirogov Memorial Medical University was founded in the year of 1805. NPMMU Vinnytsya is one of the oldest and leading medical higher institutions of Ukraine and former USSR.
Vinnitsa is the center of the Vinnitsa region, a city with rich traditions and history, is located on the crossroads of economic, social, geopolitical meridians of Ukraine. The city is located on the bank of the river Southern Bug, 260 kms to the south of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine (4 hours by train), 14 hours by train from Moscow and 6 – from Odessa.
The city is connected by the railway and air paths to the western Europe and other countries. Average temperature in winter -5 –7°, summer – +20 +27°c. Vinnitsa is known as students’ city of Ukraine, it is proud of such outstanding educational institutions as: Vinnitsa Technical University, Pedagogical University, Trade Economic University, Agricultural University etc.
STUDENTS & GRADUATES There are 5,500 students, including 1,050 international students study medicine at the University. After graduation about 40,000 Doctors of Science, Candidate’s and Ph.D., M.D. degrees have been granted to more than 6,500 international students from different world countries (Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and Africa)
Training of specialists is carried out at 53 chairs, where the competent scientific-pedagogical staff work. Among them 93 doctors of science, professors, 17 academicians and 5 members-correspondents of Academies of Science, 421 candidates of science, associated professors.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY There are foreign students in the universities studying from over 86 countries.
Students from Denmark, Sweden, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Mauritius, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Kenya, Angola, Tunisia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Canada, Egypt, U.S.A, Saudi Arabia, Australia, U.K, Singapore, South-Africa, Lebanese, New-Zealand, Iran, Iraq, Sri-Lanka, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Maldives, Nepal, Palestine, Tunis, Uganda, Venezuela, Peru, Yemen, Tanzania, Lebanon, Morocco, Lesotho, Ghana, U.A.E, Bangladesh, south Africa, Nepal, Bulgaria, Israel, China, Norway, Kuwait, Zimbabwe, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Sierra-Leone, etc. study in the University. In the structure of management of the international citizens’ education function, the department for international links the dean’s office of the preparatory faculty and the dean’s office for undergraduate and postgraduate international students. Since 1977 the education of the foreign students is carried out at General Medical and Paediatric Faculties, since 1994 – at Dental and since 2000 – at Pharmaceutical Faculties. The curricula of clinical disciplines chairs also take into account specific features of regional diseases in different countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America. The fundamental preparation at the university’s chairs ensures the foreign graduates successful passing of internship both at the University, and medical institutions abroad.
Physical training is included in the curricula of all faculties. Besides the students attend various sports sections; play football, basketball and volleyball being members of united university team on the championship of Ukraine among medical universities. The gymnasiums, grounds are given free of charge. In work with the foreign citizens we take into account their regional, religious, national, individual and psychological features. Active acquaintance of the foreigners with the history and culture of Ukraine, national traditions, life-style of modern Ukrainian youths is carried out.
During national holidays and festivals, the foreign students acquaint the staff of the University, population of our city and state with their national art, they organize the exhibitions and quiz games, which tell about the history, culture, traditions of their home-countries. Traditional on such celebrations is tasting of the dishes of national cuisine prepared by the students. The representatives of embassies, firms of the foreign countries in Ukraine participate in realization of celebrations.